Our relation with Mother Nature is absolute. Mother Nature gave us birth and continues to nurture us from moment to moment. Our life is in the hands of Mother Nature. Without the continuous supply of prana, we are nowhere. We have to be ever grateful to Mother Nature for our existence.There are many schools of meditation. Meditation is something taught and understood differently in most parts of the world. Here our attempt is to present a simple easily understood version which is beneficial to all and Universal in approach.
In a way meditation is unhindered observation. It helps us experience more and more stillness. The observer and observed ultimately merge into the process of observation or a state of nothingness which is experienced as Samadhi or Equanimity. This state is our real, original state which is pure consciousness. In experiencing this state, we help to heal our physical and psychological body of all abnormalities. It also helps develop our hidden talents to good effect.
Meditation is absolutely essential for all human beings. There are people who achieve meditative states, without formally practicing and this is to be taken only as an exception. So for most, regular practice is the only way. Early morning is the most ideal time to meditate. Anytime other than after heavy meals is also helpful.
The first step to NaturO Meditation is to tune in to Mother Nature. Our breath is what keeps us going. Hence observing the breath means being with ourselves. NaturO Meditation is a simple technique to realize our true self. Doing stipulated pranayama will enhance the efficient practice of NaturO Meditation. Deeply aware rhythmic breathing for a few minutes will also be sufficient for the beginners. It is important to find a regular place at home for our daily practice of NaturO Meditation. Twenty minutes would be a reasonably good time for anyone. It is important to keep the back erect to maintain the free flow of prana. Padmasana (lotus posture) is most ideal for best results. Sukhasana is also good. Those who cannot sit in this posture can sit comfortably in a chair. Keep the eyes closed and sit facing east or north.
NaturO Meditation is not a concentration technique. It is simply letting it go attitude. Most people expect a peaceful state thereby losing the real essence of NaturO Meditation. Whatever we achieve in NaturO Meditation is a gift of Mother Nature. When we sit, it is natural that we are disturbed by various thoughts. Let thoughts do their job. This will help us to gradually detach from thoughts and allow them to die out. It will take time to arrive at a serene state of peace and calm. However, benefits will accrue from day one of the practice of NaturO Meditation. Even a short meditation will not be a wastage of time. That we know that thoughts are disturbing us is a clear sign that we are making progress in the right direction.
Whenever there is resistance or feel that we are stuck, we can take two or three deep breaths without moving our body and then continue to observe our breath. It is important to keep our body still all through the practice. The stillness of the body will gradually lead to the stillness of our mind. This is because our mind and body are one and that which affects our mind will affect our body and vice versa.
Food has a profound effect on our ability to meditate effectively. It is to be understood that a non vegetarian diet tends to make us more body-conscious. If nonvegetarians regularly do NaturO Meditation there are all chances that they start liking vegetarian food.
By appreciating fully, the role of Mother Nature in our life, we can lead a meditative life in surrender. Gradually we start realizing the Oneness of all creation. Regular NaturO Meditation will help us become expressions of love and lead a life in the realization of our oneness with Reality. There is no way forward in spirituality bypassing Mother Nature.
Most of the religions have made this mistake thereby promoting a brand of pseudo-spirituality. Devotion to Mother Nature is an absolutely straight forward approach. It is to be understood that we are all an integral part of Mother Nature. NaturO Meditation is a simple natural approach to true spirituality. Righteousness in life is the only approach that will help us tune in to the Inner voice of Reality within each one of us.
Regular NaturO Meditation helps us achieve a state of composure and poise. It helps us improve human relations and enjoy life better. NaturO Meditation has a profound effect on our mental and physical health. It increases our immunity to diseases. Given the time it is natural for the mind to settle down to its original state. NaturO Meditation simply uses this possibility. Anyone of any age can practice this simple technique of NaturO Meditation and get great benefit. NaturO Meditation has a profound positive and integrating effect on the psyche and thereby on the whole of physiology. A little time every morning for NaturO Meditation will make your day.
There are many factors that can help in the quality of our meditation. Yogasana, Pranayama, Satvic diet, Good friends, Right philosophy, and other spiritual practices can bring about the right changes in our physiology. These are complementary and thus the more we meditate, the more will the above qualities develop in us and the more it develops, the deeper will be our meditation. One cannot fully prepare before going to meditate. We should start straight away with our meditation and its preparation. Everything works out complementary.
NaturO Meditation is the most economical route to priceless wisdom and dexterity in action. This is the combination that makes one extremely successful in all his endeavours; physical, mental intellectual and spiritual.
Meditation is a journey through turbulence to the underlying calm state of mind. Sitting in silence for at least twenty minutes in the morning with the spine erect will help our cause in a great way. Gradually we will be able to eliminate all causes that distract our mind one by one.
NaturO Meditation means to be what we are and, in the process, become what we want to be or to realize our full potential. Being what we are only means we are starting from where we are. As we can see this is not at all difficult. This is the only way to be in Oneness with Mother Nature. Our problem is that we always remain in conflict with Mother Nature and suffer in the process. Mother Nature puts us on the right path, gives us direction, nourishes us and nurtures us. Everything happens ever so naturally. NaturO Meditation puts us in tune with Mother Nature and helps us to evolve naturally and spontaneously. In the process, we achieve all our goals effortlessly.
Silently spending time with Nature is a form of NaturO meditation. In fact, Nature is our greatest ally in NaturO meditation. Mother Nature is merciful enough to convert our deficiencies into efficiencies. NaturO meditation is simply a letting go but only to spontaneously receive what we want. It is as simple as exhaling waste and receiving the vital prana from the air. Our mind is carrying all the filth it can.
NaturO Meditation means to be as natural as we can and involve ourselves deeply in a loving relationship with Mother Nature. When we ignorantly hold onto our ego Mother Nature cannot do anything about it. In NaturO Meditation we simply remain open and the purification process happens efficiently and naturally. In NaturO meditation we lose ourselves to discover our True Self.
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