INQUIRY which means to be in question mode is a simple and true attitude that can make the impossible possible with the least of effort. The simple and profound Truth is that we do not know the Truth. Let us accept it.
INQUIRY is the little Wisdom that can fetch all the Wisdom. INQUIRY leads to insight. INQUIRY leads to tranquillity and transcendence.
INQUIRY makes possible the best of both spiritual attainment and material achievement. Due to our ignorance, we choose the difficult path and achieve only material prosperity and that too, at a great cost. Omniwill seeks to reverse this trend with the help of Wisdom. INQUIRY is that unique Wisdom.
INQUIRY is the most natural state of a human being. Children are innocent and inquisitive. INQUIRY is the least effort that leads to the best of results. Belief systems have led to the decline or, rather, the annihilation of INQUIRY. INQUIRY helps to realize the full potential of a human being.
INQUIRY simply means to be true. When INQUIRY prevails truth and calm prevails. INQUIRY means true spirituality. INQUIRY means evolution and elevation all the way. INQUIRY leads naturally to meditation (Dhyan).
INQUIRY leads to health and well being naturally. INQUIRY is a no-nonsense approach to REALITY. INQUIRY can be looked at in multiple ways that will bring clarity to the subject.
Who am I?
‘I don’t know’
Oneness with nature
Conscious incompetence
Profound questions
Being a Shishya
INQUIRY means change within and then without.
INQUIRY ensures the best out of life.
INQUIRY activates the presence of God in us.
INQUIRY leads to Truce and Peace.
INQUIRY activates the Third Eye.
INQUIRY means self-education.
Belief boosts the ego. INQUIRY bursts the ego.
INQUIRY means opening the treasure chest that we are.
INQUIRY brings ever-improving clarity.
INQUIRY means no judgements, no conclusions.
INQUIRY alters our thought process for the good.
INQUIRY annihilates ignorance.
Messages are a product of Inquiry, Insight, Intuition, and Inspiration. They throw light on Reality. The messages are to be read and deeply pondered. They help gain Vision and Wisdom.
One of the purposes of the messages is to make you think differently. This will help open up your right brain which is a powerhouse of intuitive wisdom. The messages are intended to bring about the total integration of a human being. For this, it is essential that the right brain be activated.
Profound questions are the best to activate our right brain. These messages as they often make you think paradoxically, effectively play the role of questions.
Tom Mathew is an entrepreneur in ayurvedic medicines and an ardent seeker of Truth and novel ideas. He has been into management and marketing for the last 35 years.
All my books are the result of the "INSEARCH" he conducted and the exposure he got from constant interaction with his colleagues. For the last 30 years he has exposed himself to great Gurus and Masters of oriental wisdom. All of them have significantly influenced his vision. He learned and imbibed a lot from them. As he taught, he was learning all the way.
The content of my books are the culmination of the Inner Voice, Insight and Intuition gained over the years. This book is the proof of validity of a meditative life where questions always led from the front.
Tom Mathew